▶ What are the check-in and check-out times for Beitou 117?
The check-in time for Beitou 117 is 15:00 and the check-out time is 11:00. Please adhere to the check-in/check-out times for the best possible accommodation experience.
▶ What kind of quality services or facilities does Beitou 117 offer?
You can find the services and facilities available at Beitou 117 in the 'Services and Facilities' section below the accommodation information page. See the full content of the 'Popular Services and Facilities' item.
▶ Does Beitou 117 have an entire villa or a villa for the entire group? What recreational facilities are available?
Beitou 117 is a popular choice for travelers looking for a private villa. You can find details on available amenities, including recreational facilities, under the "Services & Facilities" section on the accommodation information page. Please observe the relevant regulations when using the facilities.
▶ Is Beitou 117 pet-friendly? What pet-friendly amenities and services are available?
Beitou 117 is a popular pet-friendly accommodation. For details on pet-friendly amenities, please refer to the "Services & Facilities" section on the accommodation information page and check the "Pets" category. Please adhere to the pet-friendly guidelines when staying with your pet.