▶ What are the check-in and check-out times for 7M2 Hostel?
The check-in time for 7M2 Hostel is 15:00 and the check-out time is 11:00. Please adhere to the check-in/check-out times for the best possible accommodation experience.
▶ What kind of quality services or facilities does 7M2 Hostel offer?
You can find the services and facilities available at 7M2 Hostel in the 'Services and Facilities' section below the accommodation information page. See the full content of the 'Popular Services and Facilities' item.
▶ 7M2 Hostelの近くにはどのような観光地やランドマークがありますか?
7M2 Hostelは台湾 花蓮県 吉安郷に位置しています。近くの観光地やランドマークにはTzu Chi University of Science and Technologyや吉安慶修院(旧高野山真言宗の吉野布教所)などがあります。